Outreach Events


Every step of EWay is driven by the desire to glorify God and make Him known among our EWay students. Within the Ukrainian culture, relational evangelism is an effective method of sharing the saving power of the Gospel. One way of forming and strengthening these Christ-centered relationships is through outreach events.

Picnics: When the weather is warm, we like to take students on picnics to eat, play games, and share life.

Sports: In the fall and spring, we will gather to play sports (i.e. american football, soccer, volleyball, etc.)

Special Outings: Whether it be a special event in town, to ice-skating or to just meeting for pizza, we enjoy spending time together.

Hiking: We take one week trips into the mountains. We spend time learning more about each other, studying God’s word, singing and creating life-long memories.

Camps: Each summer students are invited to 10-day English language camps. These camps provide opportunities for students to learn English from native speakers, participate in engaging studies of stories from the Bible, initiate Christian relationships and learn what it means to be a Christian.